ServerlessQ - A First Glance at the Dashboard

ServerlessQ - A First Glance at the Dashboard



7 min read

I am currently building ServerlessQ on the side. It is a hosted message queue service for Vercel users to build proper asynchronous systems.

This post gives an update on the current progress. I'll introduce a first glance at the dashboard. The dashboard is the main interaction point with the production.

The UI is far from finished but I think you get a good idea of the product.

What is the Dashboard?

The dashboard will be available under the domain:

It is the main interaction point with the product. You can do the following things:

Creating a Queue

First of all, you can create a queue. After creating a queue you'll get an URL to which to send your requests to. All requests sent to this queue will be forwarded to your defined target in your request.

Overview of your messages

The dashboard also gives you an overview of your sent requests and their responses.

The goal is to give users the ability for a nice overview of all requests and their properties like status, headers, bodies, and retries.

Sending Messages

It is also possible to send messages directly from the UI. With that, it is easy to get started and understand the product without leaving the system. In a productive setting, messages won't be sent from the UI of course and code will be used. But to test it out it is easier to mock the send message functionality from the UI.

These are the main use cases that are already working. Let's have a look at them in the prototype.

The Prototype

Let's have a look at the prototype dashboard.

Create a Queue

First, let's create a queue.

It is a simple form with the attribute name. When you click on Create Queue several things happen. I showed them in detail in my first blog postof this series.

Create a Queue

  1. AppSync Mutation will be called
  2. Mutation calls a pipeline resolver (lambda function)
  3. SQS Queue with customized default parameter will be created
  4. EventSourceMapping will be created and attached to a lambda function which executes the requests
  5. An item will be added to the DynamoDB table queues

That's it for creating a queue.

Queue List

Next, we have a list of queues. For now, we have some simple cards which show the name of the queue and the URL to your request that needs to be sent.

Queue List in Cards

Next to the link, there is a simple copy link to copy the link with the URL straight to your clipboard.

The implementation is pretty straightforward. All queues are saved in DynamoDB with attributes like:

  • Name
  • Url
  • Arn
  • User

We've got an index on this tablebyUser. This index has the pk of userId. With that, we're able to query all queues by a user.

List Queues by User

We then go ahead and call the query:

  query ListAllQueues($userId: ID!) {
    getQueuesByUser(userId: $userId) {

The query will be resolved by VTL resolver:

      typeName: 'Query',
      fieldName: 'getQueuesByUser',
      requestMappingTemplate: appsync.MappingTemplate.dynamoDbQuery(
        KeyCondition.eq('userId', 'userId'),
      responseMappingTemplate: appsync.MappingTemplate.dynamoDbResultList()

Queue Details

By clicking on one queue, you will see three main things.

  1. Queue metadata like URL and name
  2. A pane for sending requests
  3. Overview of your messages

Queue Details


The metadata should simply give you some basic information about your queue. For now, it is only the URL. More parameters will be added here in the future like custom parameters (timeouts, retries, delays, etc.).

Metadata of a Queue

Sending Requests

In the second pane you see the button Send a Message. This is included to allow users to send a simple message directly from the UI. If you click this button a drawer opens on the right side with a form to send a message.

Send a Message from the UI

Here we can define a target API (e.g. your Vercel Function), a method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.), custom headers, and a body.

If you hit Send your call will be forwarded to your queue and finally to your target.

You can then see a live update of your messages on the same page. You can see more examples soon. ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ

Overview of your messages

After sending messages you will see your messages in the overview table.

Message Overview

You get a live update of new arriving messages thanks to AppSync subscriptions ๐Ÿš€

A message has several attributes. Mainly it is a request. A response is attached if the request was successful and no error on the request level happened. For example, if you try calling an API that doesn't exist you won't get a response because there is no server to respond.

Other attributes are:

  • ID
  • Target
  • Retry
  • Method
  • Status
  • Timestamp

All responses (depending on the retries) will be available in the message detail.

For example, if we send a message to the Pokemon API we will see that the request runs through and gives us a status code Success. If we click on the request we see the response with the body of the API. Here we can see all the different details about the Pokemon Ditto.

In contrast, if we send a message and receive an error on the request or response side the queue will retry the message up to a certain threshold. For the MVP this threshold is five but it can be easily customized.

Message Detail

You can also open a message and see the details of that message. The details have the request and the response view. Both contain the following attributes:

  • Method
  • Target URL
  • Timestamp
  • Headers
  • Body

For example the successful Pokemon API call request

Message Details

And the response:

Response of Pokemon API

Let's see it in a GIFโšก๏ธ

For successful responses, we only get one response. In case of retries, we will see several responses.

Responses of different retries

Let's see it in action

Now I'll show you some more examples in quick videos to get an understanding of what is currently working.

Successful Request to Vercel Function

I've got one application running on Vercel with a mock API. The mock API simply sends a response with the code 200 and a message.

Vercel Function:

As you can see I forward the message and after the first successful try I'll get a proper response

Successful Request with Response Error

Now we will mock response errors.

We need to distinguish between response and request errors.

  • Request error: Error on request level, for example, address not found.
  • Response error: API returned a faulty response >200

There is a great API out there that simply mocks response error codes. The API is You simply attach a code at the end and this is what the API will return

So if you send a request to -> You will get a response code of 200.

But if you send a request to -> You will get a response code 401.

All error codes that are not successful (i.e. >200) will be retried automatically five times. This can be customized in the future.

Let's see how that goes.

As you can see the retry process is automatically happening and you see the retries counting up.

Here the retries are pretty fast. This can be customized in the future. We want to offer options like:

  • Fixed interval (retry all 5 seconds 10 times)
  • Exponential backoff

Unsuccessful Request

The last one is simply a request error where we cannot find the URL.

Here we try to send our request to some API that is not reachable. That is when we show the message AddressDoesntExist. We need to work on the error messages a bit.

We still retry it to have consistent retries on errors.

Next Steps

The next steps are:

Usage Tokens

We need the functionality of using API keys and associating usage plans for each key. The usage plan depends on the subscription the user has.

This will be implemented with:

  • API Gateway
  • Lambda


Currently, all calls are made directly to the API GW Stage URL. We want to use our domain for that of course, so we will forward the domain to our stage URL.


We are not settled on the UI yet. We need to change quite a lot here ๐Ÿ™‚


Connecting pricing + and usage plans with Stripe.


That's it! In summary, the functionality of the MVP stands and is possible to execute from the UI. We are super happy with the progress and we see a lot of potential here.

Quite a lot of things still need to implement but it is amazing what you can build on AWS.

If you're interested sign up for our waiting list here. Or DM me if you're interested in joining as a beta user.

I'd love to hear your feedback so let me know what you think ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for reading!

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